CTL WorkshopFaculty

The flipped online classroom: A strategy for student engagement and success

Flipped Online Classroom

Instructors: Dr. Isabelle Barrette-Ng, Department Head and professor in the Department of Integrative Biology, University of Windsor; and Neil Pettit, Coordinator of CEDP, Professional Development, Teaching & Learning, St. Clair College

This workshop, offered on January 6, 2021, was co-sponsored with St. Clair College.

Workshop description: In a traditional flipped classroom, lectures, resources and activities are placed online while class time is dedicated to working together face-to-face, applying the course material and making meaning. So, how can you flip an online course? Online courses offer both asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities for learners. The flipped online classroom enables the instructor to build an interconnected community by working with learners synchronously while also providing rich learning experiences asynchronously. Using educational technology such as Blackboard, Teams, videos, and podcasts, a flipped classroom provides opportunities for students to engage with content and each other asynchronously before attending synchronous sessions.

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