
Building rapport and community in the classroom

Great Name Game

Dave Andrews talks about how he uses the Great Name Game as a teaching strategy and an example of non-content instruction that he uses in Functional Anatomy to build rapport and community. He also talks about how the pandemic has affected this approach.

This video was created for the STLHE 2021 Ottawa conference which took place online June 7-11, 2021.

Dave Andrews

A professor in Kinesiology at the University of Windsor, Dave Andrews teaches introductory and senior undergraduate, and graduate courses within the areas of human anatomy, biomechanics, human factors, and ergonomics. His disciplinary research in biomechanics and ergonomics focuses on injury prevention and assessing physical demands on, and injury risk to people in sport and occupational settings. His teaching and learning interests and research span peer observation of teaching, early and mid-career mentoring, educational leadership, and student engagement in large classes. Dr. Andrews is a 3M National Teaching Fellow, Past President of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics, former Research and Teaching Leadership Chairs for the Faculty of Human Kinetics, and former Head of the Department of Kinesiology, all at UWindsor. He is a member of several national and international societies in biomechanics, ergonomics, and teaching and learning, and he serves on the editorial boards for two scientific journals.

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